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Александер Гаресе на # руско-француски деловни односи




Ние го користиме вашето пријавување за да обезбедиме содржина на начини на кои сте се согласиле и да го подобриме нашето разбирање за вас. Може да се откажете во секое време.


The recent meeting held between Valentina Matvienko, the head of the Upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament, and Gerard Larcher, the president of the Senate of France, was focused on inter-parliamentary co-operation and strengthening relations under the existing sanctions. Commenting on cooperation between the two countries, a well-known French investor Alexandre Garese explained that the tentative thaw in relations was caused by sustainable growth of many sectors of the Russian economy that had been seen in the recent decades.

"This is quite tough time for business now - the large-scale and long-term sanctions, piling up like a snowball, eventually entrain other states’ economies as well," said Garese, who knows Russian realities from within.  The geopolitical challenge to Russia also impacts our work one way or another.  However, nobody can prohibit us, entrepreneurs from Europe, to conduct our business here and to profit from it, this is where the entire modern system of business relations rests.”

Furthermore, the French investor is confident, today, there are new, more comfortable conditions for doing business in Russia.

Александар Гарези

“Much has been done from the perspective of establishing order, the law.  They have learned how to abide by the rules in Russia.  Both relations in business and the State's attitude towards entrepreneurs have changed," said Garese in his recent interview. The economic sanctions, he said, have had a positive impact on Russian business which has managed not only to get readjusted but also to significantly improve the product quality and the enterprises’ techniques. “Currently, the country’s economy is overcoming the recession, and as a businessman, I see the consumer demand has grown and the trade is generating profit again for both large enterprises and small businesses, which is good news."

His colleagues, major businessmen from France, are not stopped by the current geopolitical situation either.  “The Russian market has an enormous potential,” said Hervé Balusson, Olmix CEO.


A meeting between Valentina Matvienko and Gerard Larcher gained very close attention by experts. “Strengthening economic cooperation with Russia despite the US and European sanctions - this is a balancing line introduced by Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of Economy of France, during his two-day visit to Moscow,” said Фигаро correspondent Fabrice Node-Langlois.

The French Government is now trying to give extensive support to our country.  “We do not approve the extraterritorial sanctions, in principle...  They, by the way, not only harm relations between France and Russia but also those within Europe, between European countries,” said Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of Economy and Finance of France, who visited Moscow a week ago to attend the XXIII session of the Russian-French Council on Economic, Financial, Industrial and Trade Issues.

He said that the bilateral relations had gained a “new impulse” during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to France at the end of May 2017 and his talks with Emmanuel Macron. Le Maire also reminded of the French President’s plans to attend the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in spring.

Alexandre Garese expressed his confidence that the Russian economy will continue growing to become even more attractive for international investments.  “And Moscow’s belief that co-operation with Paris should be expanded will open a lot of business opportunities for both countries,” concluded the businessman.

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