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Тајани: Европа треба да стане простор на дијалог против верски радикализам, антисемитизмот и популизам




Ние го користиме вашето пријавување за да обезбедиме содржина на начини на кои сте се согласиле и да го подобриме нашето разбирање за вас. Може да се откажете во секое време.

Антонио Тајани"The rise of religious fanatism, populism and antisemitism warns us about the importance of defending the pluralism at the basis of our democracy,"   said First Vice President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani (На сликата) during today's (2 June) conference on intercultural and interreligious dialogue, organized by European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans with philosophical and non-confessional organizations.  "Military interventions and security measures will not be enough to defend our values," explained Tajani. "To this aim, we need to promote peace and dialogue at all levels."

According to Tajani: "Europe should become a space for dialogue among religions and cultures on the basis of the rights and duties set by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Europe cannot be only associated with banks and the euro. Europe is above all a project of solidarity which has, over 70 years, guaranteed peace and prosperity for its populations on the basis of the respect of diversity and human dignity. Our past and our future ground on this solidarity and these common rights and duties."

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