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Нино Черути: Италијанскиот моден великан почина на 91 година




Ние го користиме вашето пријавување за да обезбедиме содржина на начини на кои сте се согласиле и да го подобриме нашето разбирање за вас. Може да се откажете во секое време.

Нино Серути (на сликата) - one of the great Italian designers and fashion entrepreneurs - has died aged 91.

Reports say he passed away in hospital in Piedmont where he had checked in for a hip operation.

He always insisted on trying on his own creations first. Many of them were kept at the textile factory his grandfather founded in the town of Biella in 1881.

"I have always dressed the same person, myself," he once said, according to AFP news agency.

With his experience in producing excellent fabrics at his family's textile mill, Cerruti went into the clothing business in the late 1950s.

With a model in Capri in September 1968
With a model in Capri in September 1968

He opened his first boutique in Paris in 1967.

When he asked male and female models to walk down the catwalk in the same clothes, he revolutionised fashion, AFP notes.

Nino Cerruti rides his bike on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice on March 09, 1985
Riding his bike on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice in 1985

In the '80s, he branched out into Hollywood, designing clothes for stars including Jack Nicholson, Michael Douglas, Sharon Stone, Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks.

Antonio Banderas, Prince Albert II of Monaco and Nino Cerruti at the Cannes Film Festival on 26 May 1995
At the Cannes Film Festival in 1995 with Antonio Banderas (left) and Prince Albert II of Monaco
French actresses Catherine Deneuve (C) and Fanny Ardant and Italian fashion designer Nino Cerruti (G) leave the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris on December 15, 1999
With Catherine Deneuve (centre) and Fanny Ardant in Paris in 1999
Dinner with Anthony Hopkins
Dining with Anthony Hopkins in 1994
Nino Cerruti portrait session in July 1987 in Italy
From a portrait session in Italy in July 1987
Nino Cerruti in 1991
In his studio in 1991
At home with his wife and son in Rome in 1988
At home with his wife and son in Rome in 1988
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